When I arrived at Oncology, I met with Dr. Muss who after a brief discussion decided to cancel my Neulasta shot tomorrow, it turns out that I have good bone marrow to start with and for women in my age group the medicine only drops the chance of infection from 8% to 4%, so the payoff for the pain I had from the injection wasn't there. Finished with Dr. Muss off I went to the clinic for my treatment. First blood

caught up with the change and there was some issue with the Pharmacy in getting my drugs mixed. I didn't start my Taxotere until 2:30, which meant with 3 drugs, I was there until a little after 5:00. It was great to have the drugs going in through the port - it left both my hands free, which makes it much easier when you have to pull your IV pole with you to the bathroom, to eat, and just to be comfortable while receiving treatment.
While I was having treatment, in the chair across from me was a woman in her 30's with her mother. They were obviously close and enjoying each others company. It made me quite sad that my mother can no longer provide that kind of comfort for me. She doesn't really understand what is happening and she certainly wouldn't be able to come to the clinic with me to provide comfort. It's an odd feeling to have my parents with me, but not have them really engaged with what is happening to me. Most of the time I'm fine with the way things are, but there are sometimes, I'd just like to be sick and not have to explain it all over and over again.
The day surely ended on a bright note - I have such wonderful friends who have all been so supportive - when I returned home today from this long day of treatment, there was a box of from Harry & David from a friend in Massachusetts. That was a great treat to come home to!