Here I am at my first chemotherapy treatment. I arrived at 9:00 am and didn't leave until 4:30. Upon arrival, the IV is inserted and a blood sample taken. Next up is a meeting with the doctor and a review of the lab results. Then it's back to the "chemo pod" to await the on-demand mixing of my toxins by the pharmacist. Pop back a couple of Benadryl and Tylenol and I'm ready. The first bag is an anti-naseau medication, and then I'm surprised as the oncology nurse dons a hazard coverall to change my medication - that doesn't really leave you with a comfortable feeling. The chairs are comfortable enough and once Charlie left at about 1:30, I put on my ipod and slept for a few hours. The remaining treatments will be one hour shorter as the first Herceptin treatment is a larger dose than subsequent ones.
I just noticed the "believe" on the shirt....it's a Red Sox shirt isn't it?!?!?
Yes, that's a Red Sox t-shirt. When Charlie spoke to friends in Massachusetts the night of my first surgery he told them that we just have to believe that all will be well, just like the Red Sox and the World Series. My wonderful friends then searched the internet and sent Team Nagelschmidt each one of these t-shirts. This is my "official" chemotherapy shirt, so look for it in the remaining treatment session photos.
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