No, you won't be disappointed. There was some light drama associated with today's Herceptin treatment. Another gloomy morning in Vermont awaited us as we made our way to FAHC and the clinic for my Herceptin treatment. Once there, I was weighed and blood pressured and led to the South Pacific Pod, overseen by a wonderful oncology nurse named Deb (seen here attaching my IV line). We settled in, the hot pack was applied and the moment of truth arrived - would the insertion be a challenge - YES IT WOULD. Deb gave it the old college try twice and turned me over to another, who after a few minutes identified a vein and moved forward with a baby needle. Into the skin we went and then there was quite a few minutes of deep breathing while she manuevered that IV into a vein that was playing peek-a-boo. The good news is last week Deb gave me instructions on focused breathing for relaxation which I had been practicing all week and that certainly came in handy today. Once in, the Herceptin flowed flawlessly for 30 minutes and we were done. Mission accomplished - more cancer cells killed today!
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